It’s your turn to Throw

Welcome to the community where any question can find the perfect answer. A safe, comfortable, and anonymous place to help and be helped. Dare to know!

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Answer, that's the question

Share your wisdom with others, solve their doubts and improve your score. Find out how simple it is!

Stop wondering

Throw every question you want to solve and help other users solve theirs.

Throw a crumpled paper ball with a message and get a response. Just as back in the day when you were in school. A spontaneous, complicit and fun form of communication. Throw was born from that memory to make users free to ask any questions and receive the best feedback. From people to people.

Answering is an art

Voice assistants, search engines… all of that is ok. But humans need to communicate with humans.

Throw is the meeting point of users through the screen. Curiosity, ideas, love life, validation of content... all these concerns will find their answer. At the same time, you can earn cash helping others. Good replies will improve your score and your wallet.

Make a difference in other people’s lives!

Unlike other platforms based on Q&A, in Throw the ultimate goal is to help and be helped.

We are extremely cautious that feedback is positive and respectful. It is all about helping people, so we reject negative content, offenses or bad vibes. We encourage you to ask freely and confidently and to respond to others with responsibility and generosity.

How does it work



  • Have a question

  • Select question & response media formats

  • Select how many responses you want

  • Throw it!

  • Get your responses

  • Throw more questions



  • Respond questions

  • Get paid and accumulate cash in your wallet

  • Cash out to your bank account!

  • Keep responding and earn more…

Is that simple!

Ready to Throw?


About Throw

Behind every question, there's always a curious person.

And precisely the curiosity to know is what makes us human. The objective of Throw is to put into practice what we do best: Talk to each other, communicate, seek answers...
At Throw we do not support negative content offenses, haters, bad vibes, or negativism. We are here to be helped and help others. And on the way, of course, have fun.

Our values:


Be yourself

Stay positive

Be responsible

Respect others

Be curious

Be generous

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Throw?
How does it work?
What kinds of questions can I ask?
Can I throw questions as well as answer them?
Can I get a refund after sending a question?
I haven’t received the number of answers that I requested, ¿Can I get a partial refund?
What if I get negative, offensive or trash (gibberish) responses?
How many questions can I throw per day?
How many questions can I answer per day?
How much compensation do I receive for each answer I give?
Is there a minimum or a maximum amount for withdrawing my balance as a payout?
When will I receive my payout?
Security & Privacy
Is my personal data safe?
I’m worried about my privacy; how many people will see my questions?
Can I delete my account?

Ready. Set. Throw!

Join the waitlist and be the first to get full access.
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